Home Gardens Management: Improving Soil Fertility and Total Microbe State (Case on Pacitan District, East Java, Indonesia)
home gardens management, soil fertility, total microbe, pacitanAbstract
Research has been carried out to explore the potential for living the biological properties of the soil in three different home gardens systems. The research was conducted in Pacitan Regency, East Java on three home gardens systems namely the active home gardens, the passive home gardens (home gardens with low maintenance), and the critical land home gardens system (degraded land). Each consists of 20 sites. Observations were made on potential hydrogen (pH), organic carbon, organic matter, total N, total P2O5, available P2O5, total K2O, and total microbe. The results showed that the degraded home gardens were on poor soil fertility and total microbe state. Passive home gardens (low maintenance) could improve the quality of soil fertility and total microbe, especially on active management home gardens.
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