Estimating radioactivity flux in tropical soils: a strategy for plant survival policy, environmental balance and human – animal - ecosystem nexus wellbeing
Radioactivity, Radioactive flux, Strategy, Survival Policy, Environmental balanceAbstract
The experiment investigated the vertical distributions of natural radionuclides 232Th, 226Ra and 40K as well as anthropogenic radionuclide 137Cs in soil samples and analyze the correlation among the radioactivity of these radionuclides in relation to the geo-properties (elevation, longitude and latitude of the area). The radioactivity flux of the area indicated that there exist variation in the intensity of the radionuclides in the area with all sites of investigation having different variability status that falls in threat potential for human-animal-environmental sustainability. The Gamma ray energy (KeV) of the area varied between 192.21 KeV – 1100.29 KeV indicating a view that the area holds a concern status of been problematic to the sustainable development of human-animal- ecosystem wellbeing. Policy recommendations from field observation include that the area should be place under reserved forestry system as a green approach for the reclamation of the area, including reduction in the negative human attitude toward indiscriminate mineral exploitation including mining and quarrying.
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