Practice and challenges of implementing vital event registration: the case of selected Woreda of Wolaita zone, Ethiopia
vital event, vital statistics, vital registration, demographyAbstract
A vital events registration system is comprehensive, continuous, compulsory and the main source of vital statistics. This study aimed at investigating the practices and challenges of implementing vital events registration system in the selected Woredas of Wolayta zone, Ethiopia. The study employed mixed research method and descriptive research design on the practices and challenges of VRS among communities and government of the nation. Both primary and secondary sources of data would be used. To make the sample area manageable and representative, four Woreda were included through purposive sampling method. The sample size of the respondents for each site would be determined by non-probability and proportional sampling technique and in each site. Quantitative data was processed, cleaned and analyzed using SPSS version 21.0 and Binary Logistic Regression analysis would be used to fit a model and to check independent effect of selected exposure variables by using Adjusted Odds Ratio (Forward Stepwise Procedure) at 95% Confidence Interval. Lack of awareness on presence of birth registration is contributing factor for the low rate of birth registration practices. The study also confirms high prevalence of forgery cases in their working and resident area. Knowledge and attitude of respondents were eligible variables having power to affect the practice and trends of vital event registration system.Community awareness activities at all level through effective utilization of the existing community structures for sensitization of the communities, local media, and organized forums and via strong collaboration with all stakeholders should be accelerated.
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