Diversity of flora at Lake Beysehir (Turkiye) and its surroundings: an assessment in the context of ecology and tourism
plant biodiversity, vegetation, ecology, ecotourism, botanical tourism, SWOTAbstract
The main purpose of this study is to determine the flora diversity of Lake Beyşehir, Turkiye's largest freshwater lake, and to list the plants present in the research region. Another aim of the research is to reveal the possible contribution of the flora diversity of the research area to regional tourism. It is also among the objectives of the study to draw attention to the need to ensure the sustainability of existing flora while using it for recreational purposes. The research area of the study is Lake Beyşehir (Turkiye) and its surroundings. In the study, a mixed-methods technique was employed with a multidisciplinary approach. A two-stage process was followed in obtaining research data. In the first phase (Study 1), field studies were carried out in the area between March and August 2023. In the second stage (Study 2), a study was conducted with a quantitative research design in order to reveal the contribution of the flora diversity of the research area to tourism. A survey form suitable for SWOT analysis was used as a data collection tool. As a result of the study, plant species widespread in the region were identified, and 178 plant specimens were investigated. It has been determined that Lake Beyşehir and the surrounding area have significant biodiversity and flora, making the area an attractive destination for flora tourism. In the conclusion of the study, suggestions were developed to protect and use the flora diversity of the region within the scope of tourism.
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