Soil-water conservation measures for landscape restoration and factors affecting its adoption in Bure district of southwest Ethiopia
Soil-water conservation measures, Adoption, Binary Logistic regressionAbstract
Soil and water resources are vital for sustaining life on earth. Nevertheless, they are under threat of deterioration causing severe erosion despite the fact little attention is given to their effects. The study aimed to assess soil-water conservation measures for landscape restoration and factors affecting its adoption in Bure district of southwest Ethiopia. The study employed cross-sectional survey design and mixed approach to attain the intended objectives. Through multistage sampling procedures, 151 households were selected to conduct the survey. Data were collected using survey questionnaires, key informant interview, focus group discussion and field observation. The study utilized binary logistic regression model to assess factors affecting the adoption of soil-water conservation measures in the study area. The result revealed that there are various indigenous and adopted soil-water conservation practices in the area. Among these, fallowing, manuring, mulching, contour plowing, crop rotation, traditional waterways are indigenous practices, whereas terracing, soil and stone bund, fanjuu, vetiver and elephant grass are the adopted soil-water conservation practices. The result of binary logistic regression indicated that sex, age, family size, educational status, distance of farmland from residence, participation in the training significantly affects the decision of households’ adoption of soil-water conservation practices at P < 0.05 significance level in the area. It was found that soil-water conservation measures played a noteworthy role in retaining and/or restoring soil fertility, regulating temperature, upturn soil moisture, upholding agricultural production, reducing soil erosion, restoring vegetation cover and mitigating anthropogenic land degradation in the study area. Conclusively, concerned stakeholders should collaborate to strengthen and maintain the process of implementing soil-water conservation measures for sustainable land resource management of the area.
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