In vivo and vitro studies of Cu-based nanoparticle toxicity in invertebrate worms: A review
Nanotechnology, Nanoparticles, Copper nanoparticles, Ecotoxicity, WormsAbstract
Nanotechnology has been progressively developed recently and used extensively in all disciplines. These nanoscale particles overpower the use of conventional technological metal particles. Applications of Cu nanoparticles in agriculture enhance production and soil fertility, albeit their usage in excess amounts causes toxicity for soil fauna. So, we studied and collated the toxicity research trends of copper nanoparticles in the worm’s species (earthworms and enchytraeids) and their activities to assess the consequences of copper nanoparticles in varied sizes and oxidation states. Various Cu NPs have a high capacity for adsorbing biomolecules and interacting with biological receptors. Cu NPs can interact with the host organism’s inherent immunity and impair the host’s immune system when confronted with different dose concentrations. These artificially induced nanoparticles interpret the biological cell system and manipulate cell receptors in situ. Nations all across the world are currently attempting to establish a global policy on the regulation of nanomaterials as per their ecological safety. In some cases, they have been reported to be more hazardous than the comparable ions and micromaterials in some cases. As a result, nanoparticle safety research has far-reaching ramifications for national economies. These studies will be extremely significant in regulating the environmental outcome of nanoparticles.
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