Integrating AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) and GIS (Geographic Information System) for precision land use planning and ecological capacity assessment in Alborz Province, Iran
Land Use Planning, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Ecological Potential, Geographic Information SystemAbstract
The study assesses the ecological capacity and land use planning in Alborz Province, Iran for different purposes namely irrigated agriculture, dryland farming, orchards and forestry, rangelands, residential and industrial areas, as well as conservation efforts. Key factors considered include topographic criteria (slope, slope direct, elevation), soil and land criteria (land resources, land use suitability classification, and current land use), as well as vegetation cover, erosion, climatic parameters, and water resources. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and pairwise comparisons using geographic information system (GIS) inform the ecological capacity map after weighting and combining the criterion maps. This map is then overlaid with land use maps for specific purposes, such as irrigated agriculture, dryland farming, orchards, forestry, and rangelands. From the results, slope and land resources significantly influence the desired land uses in the study area. Analysis of the land use planning map revealed that within the study area, 63,621 ha (11%) were suitable for irrigated agriculture, 66,730 ha (13%) for orchards and forestry, 79,435 ha (16%) for rangelands, 224,812 ha (44%) for conservation purposes, and 71,471 ha (14%) for residential and industrial development.
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