Groundwater storage variability in West Africa using gravity recovery and climate experiment (GRACE) and global land data assimilation system (GLDAS) data
GRACE, GLDAS, Gravity, Recovery, Climate, Experiment, AssimilationAbstract
The study integrates Gravity Recovery and climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite data which provides Terrestrial Water Storage with Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) which provide the hydrological components of surface water and soil moisture and investigated groundwater storage variability in West Africa Between April, 2002 to March, 2024 (240) months. Groundwater storage is a critical component of hydrological circle which has a significant implication for water availability and sustainability especially in areas where surface water is scare like some parts of west Africa, however, the spatiotemporal of groundwater storage is poorly understood in west Africa. The results reveal significant variability in groundwater storage across the study area, the analyses shows that the groundwater storage is primarily influence by regional hydrological components including surface water and soil moisture as well as climatical factors (precipitation and temperature). The study also highlights the impact of climate variability on groundwater storage in West Africa. Significant correlations are observed between groundwater storage and hydrological components, indicating that changes in SW and SM play a crucial role in driving fluctuations in groundwater storage. The results provide valuable insights into the dynamics of groundwater storage in West Africa and contribute to a better understanding of the region's water resources. This information is of vital importance for water resource management, particularly in the face of ongoing climate change and increasing water demand. The study emphasizes the need for comprehensive monitoring and management strategies to ensure sustainable groundwater use in West Africa.
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