A review on bioremediation of microplastics and its legal management
Microplastics, Toxicity, Bioremediation, Biodegradation, Legal actionAbstract
Microplastics are plastic fragments of 5 or fewer mm in diameter, becoming an environmental nuisance. It threatens ecosystem health and functioning and impacts biotic and abiotic components. Microbial bioremediation is a promising and ecologically sound method for removing microplastics waste. This review focuses on the various classifications followed for microplastics, their sources and the methods of bioremediation and the legal management of the microplastics. We discuss the role of fungi, bacteria, algae in the biodegradation of microplastics. It is shown that bacteria and fungi have efficiency in breaking down microplastics either aerobically or anaerobically on both land and water ecosystems. The review also focused on the enzymes utilized in the biodegradation of different types of plastic polymers secreted by a variety of bacterial, fungal and algal species. Enzymes such as polyethylene terephthalate hydrolase, mono 2-hydroxyethyl terephthalic acid hydrolase, poly 3-hydroxyoctanoate depolymerase and cutinase like enzyme have potential to degrade microplastics and can be helpful to sustainable bioremediation approaches. It discusses the legal action taken by countries and organizations to lessen plastic garbage entering the environment and encourage sustainable plastic usage patterns by stringently implementing the laws and rules and drafting policies. The concomitant implication of bioremediation approaches and legal actions can prevent microplastics contamina-tion in the environment.
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