
  • Silvia Ferrari Regional Agency for Prevention and Environment of Emilia-Romagna (ARPA), Bologna
  • Vanes Poluzzi Regional Agency for Prevention and Environment of Emilia-Romagna (ARPA), Bologna
  • Giovanni Bonafè Regional Agency for Prevention and Environment of Emilia-Romagna (ARPA), Bologna
  • Annamaria Colacci Regional Agency for Prevention and Environment of Emilia-Romagna (ARPA), Bologna
  • Stefano Zauli Regional Agency for Prevention and Environment of Emilia-Romagna (ARPA), Bologna
  • Andrea Ranzi Regional Agency for Prevention and Environment of Emilia-Romagna (ARPA), Bologna
  • Fabiana Scotto Regional Agency for Prevention and Environment of Emilia-Romagna (ARPA), Bologna



fine particles chemical speciation, nanoparticles size distribution, air quality models, , toxicological and epidemiological studies


The project is focused on a detailed study of some chemical, physical and toxicological parameters and on health, epidemiological and environmental assessment by interpretative models, in the atmosphere of Emilia-Romagna (Italy). The project rises from the necessity to improve  knowledge about environmental and health aspects of fine and ultrafine particles, in primary and secondary components, in the atmosphere. The project, structured in 7 workpackages, is organized in two measurement programmes: the routine one that has a mainly daily time resolution, and the intensive one with high time resolution and a higher chemical speciation than the routine one. The sampling sites are five: three in urban areas (Bologna, Parma and Rimini), one in a rural area (San Pietro Capofiume) and one in a remote area (Monte Cimone). Parallel to outdoor studies, a workpackage  is planned for indoor studies and chemical composition analysis with the  outdoor/indoor ratio for characterizing indoor human exposure to outdoor pollution.


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How to Cite

Ferrari, S., Poluzzi, V., Bonafè, G., Colacci, A., Zauli, S., Ranzi, A., & Scotto, F. (2010). SUPERSITE PROJECT. EQA - International Journal of Environmental Quality, 3(3), 1–8.


