
  • Alessandro Buscaroli Interdepartmental Center for Research on Environmental Science (C.I.R.S.A.), University of Bologna, Bologna
  • Massimo Gherardi Department of Agroenvironmental Sciences and Technologies – CSSAS, University of Bologna, Bologna
  • Gilmo Vianello Department of Agroenvironmental Sciences and Technologies – CSSAS, University of Bologna, Bologna
  • Livia Vittori Antisari Department of Agroenvironmental Sciences and Technologies – CSSAS, University of Bologna, Bologna
  • Denis Zannoni Interdepartmental Center for Research on Environmental Science (C.I.R.S.A.), University of Bologna, Bologna



soils classification, soil chemistry, pedological profiles, Ravenna pinewood


In the context of the PRIN 2007-2009 project, “Geochemical evaluation of  agro-environmental quality in a complex territorial system: the case of Ravenna”, thirteen pedological profiles (nine in a coastal pinewood, two in farmland and two in urban park) were established. The profiles were described, sampled and analyzed so as to obtain an overview of the pedological complexity of the studied areas.

Inside the pinewood, the soils were greatly influenced by their topographic location and the vicinity of the superficial aquifer. The deeper layers were Typic Ustipsamments, the more superficial ones Typic Psammaquents and the intermediate ones Aquic Ustipsamments. The two farmland soils were Udifluventic Haplustepts, with slight differences due to the origin of the soil and its use. In the park, both soils were also Udifluventic Haplustepts with a human interfecence evidenced by the abundance of brick fragments in the profiles.


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How to Cite

Buscaroli, A., Gherardi, M., Vianello, G., Vittori Antisari, L., & Zannoni, D. (2009). SOIL SURVEY AND CLASSIFICATION IN A COMPLEX TERRITORIAL SYSTEM: RAVENNA (ITALY). EQA - International Journal of Environmental Quality, 2(2), 15–28.


