Assessing the Soil Physiological Potential Using Pedo-Biological Diagnosis Under Minimum-Tillage System and Mineral Fertilization
minimum-tillage, soil biological activity, Pedo-Biological DiagnosisAbstract
The main objective of sustainable agriculture is the protection of environment and natural vegetal and soil resources. Accordingly, the objective of this research was to assess the impact of technological systems by minimum tillage on soil biological activity, using the Pedo-Biological Diagnosis of Soil Resources. Our research was conducted on haplic chernozem from Experimental Station of UASVM of Iasi, Romania, during the seasonal dynamic, to the soybean crop, on unfertilized and fertilized agrofond, using moderate mineral doses (N80P80) as average of 2009–2010 period, under minimum tillage (2x disk, paraplow, chisel) compared to conventional (plugging at 20 cm and 30 cm). In the case of soil works with chisel and paraplow without return of furrow, the Pedo-Biological Diagnosis highlights an increase of soil physiological potential, in the both variants (unfertilized and fertilized), unlike the method of alternating the depth of plugging that proved to be ineffective.
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Copyright (c) 2014 Lazar Bireescu, Geanina Bireescu, Michele Vincenzo Sellitto
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