Nutrients, Trace Elements and Water Deficit in Greek Soils Cultivated with Olive Trees


  • Theodore Karyotis Institute for Soil Mapping and Classification, Hellenic Agricultural Organisation “DEMETER” General Directorate of Agricultural Research. Larissa, Greece
  • George Arampatzis Land Reclamation Institute, Hellenic Agricultural Organisation “DEMETER” General Directorate of Agricultural Research, Sindos, Greece
  • Andreas Panagopoulos Land Reclamation Institute, Hellenic Agricultural Organisation “DEMETER” General Directorate of Agricultural Research, Sindos, Greece
  • Evangelos Hatzigiannakis Land Reclamation Institute, Hellenic Agricultural Organisation “DEMETER” General Directorate of Agricultural Research, Sindos, Greece
  • Evangelos Tziritis Land Reclamation Institute, Hellenic Agricultural Organisation “DEMETER” General Directorate of Agricultural Research, Sindos, Greece
  • Katerina Karyoti Land Reclamation Institute, Hellenic Agricultural Organisation “DEMETER” General Directorate of Agricultural Research, Sindos, Greece
  • John Vrouchakis Land Reclamation Institute, Hellenic Agricultural Organisation “DEMETER” General Directorate of Agricultural Research, Sindos, Greece



The studied soils consist of alluvial and/or colluvial deposits  located in the Prefecture of Messinia, Western Peloponnese (Greece). A total number of 263 surface soil layers were selected and analysed for the main properties. Minimum and maximum values and  the distribution of soil properties varied greatly and can be attributed mainly to various fertilization practices adopted by  farmers, inputs of nutrients by irrigation water and differences due to inherent soil conditions. Lower variability was recorded for the parameters pH, Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), total soil nitrogen (N) and soil organic matter (SOM), while coefficients of variation for properties that can be affected easily by human activities such as available phosphorus and micronutrients, are much higher. Minor content for trace elements was observed in the following order:Zinc (Zn)>Manganese (Mn)>Boron (B)>Iron (Fe). During the dry period, irrigation of olive trees is recommended and the appropriate irrigation demands were defined, taking into account rainfall and  water requirements.


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How to Cite

Karyotis, T., Arampatzis, G., Panagopoulos, A., Hatzigiannakis, E., Tziritis, E., Karyoti, K., & Vrouchakis, J. (2014). Nutrients, Trace Elements and Water Deficit in Greek Soils Cultivated with Olive Trees. EQA - International Journal of Environmental Quality, 13(13), 9–20.


