
  • Livia Vittori Antisari Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Bologna, Bologna
  • Gianluca Bianchini Department of Physics and Earth Sciences, University of Ferrara, Ferrara
  • Enrico Dinelli Depart. of Biological, Geological Environmental Sciences, University of Bologna, Bologna
  • Gloria Falsone Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Bologna, Bologna
  • Aldo Gardini Department of Statistical Sciences “Paolo Fortunati”, University of Bologna, Bologna
  • Andrea Simoni Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Bologna, Bologna
  • Renzo Tassinari Department of Physics and Earth Sciences, University of Ferrara, Ferrara
  • Gilmo Vianello Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Bologna, Bologna



standard soils, macroelements, microlements, XRF, Aqua Regia, ICP-OES, ICP-MS


Soils are complex matrices and their geochemical investigation necessarily needs reliable Certified Reference Materials (CRMs), i.e. standards, to support analytical precision and accuracy. In particular, the definition of soil multi-element CRMs is particularly complex and involves an inter-laboratory program that employs numerous analytical techniques. In this study, we present the results of the inter-calibration experiment focused on the certification of two new soil standards named AMS-ML1 and AMS-MO1. The two soils developed on sandstone and serpentinite parent materials, respectively. The experiment involved numerous laboratories and focused on the evaluation of soil physicochemical parameters and geochemical analyses of major and trace elements by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and Inductive Coupled Plasma techniques (ICP-OES and ICP-MS). The data was statistically elaborated. Three levels of repeatability and accuracy in function of the different analytical methods and instrumentation equipment was observed. The statistical evaluation of the results obtained by ICP-OES on Aqua Regia extracts (i.e., Lilliefors test for normally, Grubbs test for outliers, Cochran test for outliers in variances and ANOVA) allowed to computed some certified values for the two proposed soil standards. This preliminary study will represent the first step of a more thorough intercalibration ring-test involving a higher number of laboratories, in order to propose the investigated matrices as CRMs.


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How to Cite

Vittori Antisari, L., Bianchini, G., Dinelli, E., Falsone, G., Gardini, A., Simoni, A., … Vianello, G. (2014). CRITICAL EVALUATION OF AN INTERCALIBRATION PROJECT FOCUSED ON THE DEFINITION OF NEW MULTI-ELEMENT SOIL REFERENCE MATERIALS (AMS-MO1 AND AMS-ML1). EQA - International Journal of Environmental Quality, 15(15), 41–64.


