
  • Marco Natale University of Bologna



salinity, Mezzano valley, Comacchio, soil quality, reclaimed soil


The paper show a preliminary study on biological parameters of salty recently reclaimed soils in Italy (Valle di Mezzano, Comacchio and Ostellato – Ferrara). The soils were characterized and classified.  Biological parameters were measured and calculated: Basal Respiration Carbon (Cbas) (mg C-CO2/kg soil); Cumulative Respiration Carbon (Ccum) (mg C-CO2/kg soil); Microbial Carbon (Cmic) (mg C/kg soil); Metabolic Quotient (qCO2) ((10-2) h-1); Mineralization Quotient (qM)  (%). The combination of these biological parameters was used to create an index of soil fertility (Benedetti and Mocali 2008) and the same index is on the way of being evaluated for these soils as well. The objectives of the work are: (a) give insights on the dynamics of the salinization processes, (b) better understand biogeochemical cycles of soils affected by high electrical conductivity and fertility loss, and (c) propose land management strategies.


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How to Cite

Natale, M. (2015). SOIL QUALITY IMPLICATION IN A RECENTLY RECLAIMED SALTY AGRICULTURAL SITE IN ITALY. EQA - International Journal of Environmental Quality, 17(1), 25–33.


