Antimony Accumulation Risk in Lettuce Grown in Brazilian Urban Gardens


  • Silvia Mancarella Department of Agricultural Sciences (DIPSA), University of Bologna
  • Giuseppina Pennisi Department of Agricultural Sciences (DIPSA), University of Bologna
  • Daniela Gasperi Department of Agricultural Sciences (DIPSA), University of Bologna
  • Livia Marchetti Department of Agricultural Sciences (DIPSA), University of Bologna
  • Vivian Loges Laboratório de Floricultura, Departamento de Agronomia, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco – UFRPE – Recife (PE)
  • Francesco Orsini Department of Agricultural Sciences (DIPSA), University of Bologna
  • Giorgio Gianquinto Department of Agricultural Sciences (DIPSA), University of Bologna
  • Gilmo Vianello Department of Agricultural Sciences (DIPSA), University of Bologna
  • Livia Vittori Antisari Department of Agricultural Sciences (DIPSA), University of Bologna



heavy metals, pollutants, urban horticulture, road traffic


More than 80% of the Brazilian population inhabits urban areas. Diffused poverty and the lack of fresh vegetables have generated malnutrition and unbalanced diets. Thus, the interest in growing food locally, in urban allotments and community gardens, has increased. However, urban agriculture may present some risks caused by the urban pollution. Road traffic is considered the biggest source of heavy metals in urban areas. Hence, the objective of the study was the assessment of the accumulation of heavy metals in an urban garden in the city of Recife, at different distances from a road with high traffic burden. The results showed that the distance from the street decreased the accumulation of many potentially toxic elements. Furthermore, the human health risk was estimated, revealing that greater danger was associated with the accumulation of antimony. Concentration of other elements in the leaf tissues were within previously reported thresholds.


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How to Cite

Mancarella, S., Pennisi, G., Gasperi, D., Marchetti, L., Loges, V., Orsini, F., … Vittori Antisari, L. (2016). Antimony Accumulation Risk in Lettuce Grown in Brazilian Urban Gardens. EQA - International Journal of Environmental Quality, 20, 35–47.


