Restoring soil functionality in degraded areas within vineyards by organic treatments: the experimental layout of the RESOLVE Core-organic+ project




organic agriculture, viticulture, cover crops, organic amendment, compost, USLE


Degraded areas are frequent in vineyards, even if managed by organic farming, mainly caused by soil truncation, soil erosion, or salts enrichment. Recovering strategies implemented in 19 degraded vineyards in 5 countries within the RESOLVE project concerned: (i) composted organic amendments, or seeding of cover crops (including legumes) for (ii) green manure or (iii) dry mulch. The relationships between vineyard management and pedo-climatic conditions are useful to better understand other contributions dealing with RESOLVE project reported in the present special issue. The results suggested that the nature of degradation requires optimum seedbed preparation to grow green manure crops. Whereas dry mulching plants needs less tillage operations (neither incorporation nor sowing, if self-reseeding plants), helping the recovery of soil functionality. The potential soil erosion by water was esteemed for the 38 plots, confirming that is a common agent of land degradation in vineyards.


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How to Cite

D’Avino, L. (2018). Restoring soil functionality in degraded areas within vineyards by organic treatments: the experimental layout of the RESOLVE Core-organic+ project. EQA - International Journal of Environmental Quality, 30, 37–48.