Trend assessment of climate changes in Iran


  • Abdol Rassoul Zarei Assistant Professor at Department of Range and watershed sciences, College of Agriculture, Fassa University, Iran
  • Masoud Masoudi Corresponding Author: Associate Professor at Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Engineering, College of Agriculture, Shiraz University, Iran



Iran, Climate change, De Martonne index, trend


In this paper, according to the data of 40 stations in Iran during 1967-2014, the trend of climate changes and its severity are evaluated. A consistent correlation is highlighted for trends of De Martonne index as indicator of climate change and temperature rise in some stations. Based on the results of the temperature analysis, 70% of the country has become warmer, 3% has become colder and 27% has faced without significant changes. The precipitation in the 30.5% of the country has been decreased and 69.5% of the country didn’t show any significant changes. About the climate changes derived from climate index: 38.6 % of the area of the country has become drier and 61.4% of the area didn’t show any significant changes. A hazard classification for climate change was used showing 21% of the country under without or no change class, 22% under moderate class, 37.2% under severe class and 19.5% under very severe class. These results correspond to more desertification, frequency and intensity of droughts and observing lost lakes during the last decades in the study area.


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How to Cite

Zarei, A. R., & Masoudi, M. (2019). Trend assessment of climate changes in Iran. EQA - International Journal of Environmental Quality, 34, 1–16.


