Spatial variability and temporal evolution of dissolved trace elements in the waters of the Venice Lagoon (Italy)


  • Massimo Berti Thetis spa c/o Laboratorio Analisi Ambientali - Ufficio Antinquinamento Provveditorato Interregionale Opere Pubbliche, Venezia
  • Sebastiano Bertini Thetis spa c/o Laboratorio Analisi Ambientali - Ufficio Antinquinamento Provveditorato Interregionale Opere Pubbliche, Venezia
  • Claudio Carrer Thetis spa c/o Laboratorio Analisi Ambientali - Ufficio Antinquinamento Provveditorato Interregionale Opere Pubbliche, Venezia
  • Francesco Sorrentino Ufficio Antinquinamento, Provveditorato Interregionale Opere Pubbliche, Venezia



temporal trends, trace elements, Venice Lagoon


A comprehensive dataset on dissolved trace element concentrations spanning a decade (2008-2017), collected during monitoring campaigns, is the result of an investigation meant to evaluate spatial variability and temporal evolution in the Venice Lagoon waters. The concentration levels at the different sites unfold that the lagoon is not homogeneous but a system of various parts having different characteristics affected by various pollutant sources, meanwhile the analysis for trend performed both at each site and at the entire lagoon as a whole revealed that arsenic and heavy metals showed little variations or decreasing trends, with the exception of iron that may have had an overall increase in concentrations.


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How to Cite

Berti, M., Bertini, S., Carrer, C., & Sorrentino, F. (2020). Spatial variability and temporal evolution of dissolved trace elements in the waters of the Venice Lagoon (Italy). EQA - International Journal of Environmental Quality, 38(3), 15–23.


